‘Runners run through niggles. It’s part of the sport – isn’t it?’ When a simple niggle doesn’t go away, becomes worse, or jeopardises your next event, what should you do? Like most runners, you may ask a fellow runner, search Dr Google, or just stop running for a couple of weeks and return without changing […]
Growing Pains – Physio can help!
Childrens bones continue to grow until their early 20’s. Until the bones fuse there are vulnerable areas such as the heel and the knee that commonly cause discomfort during growth spurts. Add high levels of activity and sport and this discomfort can be acute pain affecing walking and sleep. Severs Heel Pain – pain at […]
The Boom & Bust Cycle: Why We Sometimes Fail At Getting Better
Problem Let’s look at the slide that was presented on a course I attended on patella-femoral pain – knee cap pain. It relates to so many failed attempts for injury recovery. We get injured. We rest. We return to activity. We’re no better. We rest more. We’re frustrated so we decide to push through the […]
Pain and Posture
What is posture? The body works best when the joints and muscles aren’t in an extreme position for a prolonged period of time. Good posture is when the body is sharing the stresses well through the system Problem We have warning systems that tell us to move – that feeling of being uncomfortable. If we adopt […]
Achilles Tendinopathy – Heel Tendon Pain & Stiffness
Problem Achilles tendinopathy is pain swelling in the heel cord at the back of the ankle. The onset is usually gradual, relating to small minor injuries or microtrauma. Sometimes the tendon feels stiff and sore at the start of a run but eases with use. You get out of bed and hobble for the first […]
All The Best Advice On Running Injuries – Infographic
Calling all runners! Instead of trawling the internet for a self-diagnosis of your running pain/injury this infographic is a really useful summary of all the most important advice you can get. Each point is based on good research and offers excellent points and advice to keep you injury free. If you would like to discuss […]