My Studio

One-to-One Consultations

Great outcomes…
Rhyannon was at the start of her ski season in Canada when a knee niggle became so painful she couldn’t even ski easy slopes. We solved the problem in 4 sessions and she’s back skiing in powder, painfree.
What I treat
Lindsey’s Blog
Interesting, useful information to help you mange injury, pain and wellness.
Leg Pain Running – Can Physiotherapy Help?
‘Runners run through niggles. It’s part of the sport – isn’t it?’ When a simple niggle doesn’t go away, becomes worse, or jeopardises your…
Growing Pains – Physio can help!
Childrens bones continue to grow until their early 20’s. Until the bones fuse there are vulnerable areas such as the heel and the knee…
The Boom & Bust Cycle: Why We Sometimes Fail At Getting Better
Problem Let’s look at the slide that was presented on a course I attended on patella-femoral pain – knee cap pain. It relates to…
Continue Reading The Boom & Bust Cycle: Why We Sometimes Fail At Getting Better